Customized Marketing Solutions to Maximise your Propaganda!
1. Official WeChat Platform Promotion
WeChat is now considered as the new media for branding and promoting. China Adhesive’s WeChat (ID: jiaonianzhan) was established in 2015, through providing professional industry news feed and services, the account has attracted over 30,000 followers, and with 5% average growth rate monthly.
Advertisement: Release your company/product information through our platform twice a month, and place your company’s banner (or logo) at the same time.(The articles and relevant images should be provided by the sponsor).
Issue time: every Friday (Sponsors should provide all the materials before the issue date).
2. <Exhibition Preview> Advertisement
The <Exhibition Preview> will contain highlights of conferences and exhibits, and then mail them out every 2 months before the exhibition to invite the industry’s top elites.,The circulation are expacted to reach 50,000, and the fourth issue will be distributed to on-site visitors as a visitor guide. It will be a great propaganda platform for you to access to potential customers.
Price: US $450/page Size:210mm*280mm (W*H)
<Exhibition Preview> will be released respectively in Feb., May, Jul. and Sep.;Sponsors should provide all the materials before the issue date)
3. Exhibition Ticket and Coupon Advertisement (Exclusive)
Exhibition ticket and coupon will be distributed to the industry’s top elites all over the world, which has the widest coverage. Advertisement: A full-page ad. on the back,and showing in all exhibition promotion as Premium Sponsor. Circulation:80,000
Price:US$ 4,600
Delivery time: June-August 2023;Sponsors should provide all the materials.
4. Advertisement on Visitor Registration
Almost every visitor will need to visit the Visitor Registration System, which will bring about 50,000 PV for the page. It is the most cost-effective and direct propaganda for you to promote the brand.
Price:US$ 350/per Month
Visitor Registration System will be online 7 months before the exhibition;Sponsors should provide all the materials.
5. Email Direct Marketing(EDM)
EDMs will be sent out at least twice a month, the content is focusing on industry trend, product information and dynamic news of the exhibition. The e-newsletters will be delivered to potential visitors on the basis of over 50,000 email addresses database. You can promote your product through this platform.
Price:US$ 350/time
Sponsors should provide all the materials before the issue date.
6. SMS Platform Promotion
SMS has features of timeliness, high open rate and has no limitation on daily messaging frequency. China Adhesive have collected over 100,000 valid cell phone numbers, and we have a strong background support system to manage these data and send periodic messages.
Price:US$800/ 10,000 data in each message (70-140 characters including punctuations)
The sending time will be assigned by the sponsor. Please provide the draft text as required (must be in accordance with the provisions of the country).
For further inquiries, please contact
Ms. Serena Cui
E-mail: cuijingjing@ccpitchem.org.cn
Customized Marketing Solutions to Maximise your Propaganda!
On-site Advertisement
1. Seminar Advertisement(Exclusive)
China Adhesive Technical Seminar is the most popular event and draws much attention from attendees. The seminar is free open to every attendee and attracts lots of famous companies to present their products and technology. It is the best platform for you to get close attention from your potential customers.
Targets: Onsite visitors/conference audiences
Advertisement:showing in all seminar promotion as Premium Sponsor
◆技术研讨会冠名权(独家) 价格:30,000元(◆赠送展览会会刊整版彩色广告一个)
◆技术研讨会支持单位 价格:10,000元
2. 企业家交流会赞助(独家)
1. 资料袋广告(独家)
广告形式:品牌LOGO及中英文名字(单面)价格:30,000元 (◆赠送展览会会刊整版彩色广告一个)
2. 展会现场胸卡/挂绳(独家)
目标受众:入场观众及展商价格:30,000元 (◆赠送展览会会刊整版彩色广告一个)
3. 展览会会刊广告(展商专属推广) 展览会会刊是展览会颇具价值的资料库,每位专业参观者必将带走一本会刊,以备日后查找相关供应商使用。会刊汇集所有参展企业介绍信息及展览会全部内容,会刊广告成为最经济有效的宣传平台之一。
尺寸:宽210mm x 高285mm
◆彩色封面广告: 价格:30,000元人民币/个
◆会刊封底广告: 价格:30,000元人民币/个
◆会刊扉页广告: 价格:8,000元人民币/个
◆会刊封二广告: 价格:8,000元人民币/个(已售)
◆会刊封三广告: 价格:8,000元人民币/个
4. 瓶装水广告(独家) 开展期间,组委会将免费发放瓶装水给展商及VIP观众,瓶装水上可附贵公司的整幅广告。
5. 名片盒(独家) 开展期间,组委会将免费发放名片盒给展商,名片盒将使用有机玻璃制作,可附有贵公司的广告。
6. 展馆户外广告 2020胶展与橡胶技术展、化工展、环保展同期举办,4大化工展强强联合,倾力打造“中国石化产业周”,将吸引近8万余名“化工人“莅临。现场广告将覆盖化工全产业链的行业人士,是扩大品牌影响力的绝佳机会。